Konstantin Bas, Business Development – Tips for Success

Konstantin Bas is a construction management professional and a certified Business Developer with decades of experience. Business development, or biz dev, is an oft-misunderstood field to those outside of it, but to those in the profession, it is but another skill to be mastered.

If you’re new to business development, and you would like to achieve success comparable to Konstantin Bas’s position as CEO (Chief Executive Officer) within a England company, applying tips like those below can help you go far:

Hire Strategically – Hiring the right people at the right times is integral for business success. Bringing on an outstanding professional too early in the company’s timeline, for example, can be disastrous. Before hiring anyone, consider all factors to ensure that the professional is a good strategic fit.

Differentiate Between Sales and Development – Sales focuses on driving business revenue while development focuses on creating partnerships and networks that allow the organization to leverage for revenue. Failing to differentiate can cause strategic breakdown.

Strategize for Post-Deal – After the completion of a deal, the account manager typically changes away from the business developer. Strategizing for the best post-deal management allows the business manager to locate the best professional for the job.

Quantity versus Quality – Quality over quantity is a well-known, oft-followed adage, but it doesn’t apply to all situations. For example, in business management, quantitative value is often more appealing to the market.

Consider seeking a mentor with experience and success similar to Konstantin Bas’s if you would like to further your abilities as a business development specialist. Such relationships can help you hone your skills in a shorter period of time.