Konstantin Bas – Construction Management Tips

Konstantin Bas has worked in construction management since obtaining his college degree in the field over two decades ago. He steadily moved through the profession until, in 2007, he earned his present position of CEO (Chief Executive Officer) within a England construction management company. For many such professionals, Bas has achieved idealistic success.

If you hope to move to the level of construction management professionals like Konstantin Bas, you must employ positive practices whenever you are on the job. For example, diligent construction managers often…

  • Make Detailed System Drawings – Construction managers often fail to make detailed system drawings because they already have working drawings of the project. Most working drawings, however, do not provide detailed information on the various required systems that electricians and foremen work with. This creates more guesswork and room for error than necessary.
  • Front Load – Front loading is a method used by seasoned construction managers to compensate for retainage clauses. This approach involves preparing the project breakdown with items needed for the early stages clearly identified. Managers then increase the cost of early items slightly and decrease the cost of later items, resulting in an improved cash flow at no extra cost to the client.
  • Knock Off Inexpensive Items Early – Simple, inexpensive items can hold up a project if they’re saved until the end. When you see an oddball item on a project, such as a special-order device plate, address it early so that delayed shipments and other unforeseen issues do not postpone completion.

As you gain experience as a construction manager, you will learn personal methods that work well, as do seasoned pros like Konstantin Bas. Typically, general practices like those above will positively impact your career as well.